Lots Of Ways To Save With Quinoco This Fall!
If you didn’t stay as comfortable as you would have liked this summer, your system faces frequent repairs or your unit uses R22 Freon (a refrigerant that has been phased out by the EPA) - it’s time to upgrade.
Don’t wait for spring to come back around, set up an appointment now with one of our Comfort Specialists to evaluate your current equipment and needs. When the first heat wave hits, you’ll be glad you did. And, take advantage of our end of season savings!
Save with Efficiency this Winter
When thinking about ways to save this winter, it isn’t just about the price of your fuel, the efficiency of your heating system plays a huge role.
Replacing your repair-ridden furnance or boiler or upgrading from an older inefficient model can mean big savings on your home’s energy bills - up to 40% to be exact!
Automatic delivery just makes sense! We use your historical SmartBiofuel or propane usage plus a weather metric called degree days to calculate when you need a delivery. We’ll get you on our delivery schedule ahead of time so you won’t run low AND you no longer need to track your tank and call to get on an upcoming delivery route.
Switch to automatic delivery by September 30th and receive a $25 credit* on your account!
Visit Quinoco.com/auto-delivery to learn more and sign up!