Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions - and we’ve got answers. We've compiled answers to our most frequently asked questions regarding heating, cooling, and SmartBiofuel.

Have another question? Don’t hesitate and contact us here!



My heat is not working. How do I restart my system?

In the event your heat turns off, there are a couple of steps that you can complete before calling us. Follow the steps below and if your system does not turn on after completing these, please call us at 860.583.4609 to schedule a service call.

  1. Make sure your thermostats are in heat mode and set above room temperature

  2. Check the gauge on your oil or propane tank to ensure that you are not out of fuel

  3. Check your electrical breaker to make sure it is not turned off

  4. Check that the heating system burner switches are in the ON position. The switches are located at the top of the basement stairs or outside of the utility or mechanical room, and on the heating system itself

  5. Once you’ve verified that all of the switches are on, you can try to reset the furnace or boiler

  6. To reset your system, locate the red reset button on the heating system itself. The button is located towards the bottom of the unit

  7. Press and hold down the reset button for 5 seconds and then release

  8. The system should start automatically within 10 seconds

For a how-to video on how to restart your heating system, click here.

What is the difference between a boiler and a furnace?

A boiler uses hot water (think of boiling water) to heat your home, and a furnace uses warm air, also referred to as forced air.

How is the energy efficiency of heating equipment rated?

The standards for energy efficiency are set by the U.S. Department of Energy with either an HSPF or AFUE rating assigned to every piece of heating equipment. HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) is how the heating efficiency of heat pumps are rated; the higher the HSPF, the more efficient the unit is. AFUE (Average Fuel Utilization Efficiency) is the measurement of efficiency of gas- and oil-fired heating equipment. The rating is shown as a percentage indicating how much fuel is used to heat a house – and how much is wasted. The higher the percentage, the better the efficiency.

How do I know when it is time to replace my heating equipment?

Although there is no exact age at which equipment should be replaced, experts consider replacement within a 15- to 20- year time frame. If your equipment has been properly maintained and continues to run efficiently, it could have a longer lifespan.

Is it important to have a tune-up performed regularly on my equipment?

Yes! Regular system maintenance is critical to keeping your system working at peak efficiency, which can help you save money on your monthly utility bills, prevent breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your system. Learn more here.


My air conditioning is not working, what should I do?

In the event your AC turns off, there are a couple steps that you can complete before calling us. If your system does not turn on after completing these steps, please call 860.583.4609 to schedule a service call.

      • Make sure your thermostats are in cool mode and set below room temperature

      • Check for any signs of ice on the outside unit. If there is ice, turn the unit off - the ice must melt before a service technician can be sent to the home

      • Make sure all furnace and air handler switches are on as well as all circuit breakers

Can I change my air conditioning filters myself, and if so, how often?

It is recommended that AC filters be changed once a month during peak cooling months. Homeowners are able to change filters themselves; if you do not know how, ask your service technician during their next visit.

How is the energy efficiency of cooling equipment rated?

The standards for energy efficiency are set by the U.S. Department of Energy with a SEER rating assigned to every piece of cooling equipment. The higher the SEER, the greater the efficiency.

During the summer months, should I turn off my air conditioning during the day when my home is unoccupied?

On very hot days, it will take several hours to cool a house, and during these days, it is beneficial to leave the AC running early in the morning, for the system to keep up with the daytime heat. On moderate days, the temperature can be raised in your home by four or five degrees while you are away.

How do I know when it is time to replace my cooling equipment?

Although there is no exact age at which equipment should be replaced, experts consider replacement within a 10-year time frame. If your equipment has been properly maintained and continues to run efficiently, it could have a longer lifespan.

Is it important to have a tune-up performed regularly on my equipment?

Yes! Regular system maintenance is critical to keeping your system working at peak efficiency, which can help you save money on your monthly utility bills, prevent breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your system. Learn more here.

Ice buildup on the outdoor unit of an AC system, indicating the need for service to maintain optimal cooling performance.


smartBIOfuel FAQS

What is SmartBiofuel?

SmartBiofuel is a blend of ultra-low sulfur heating fuel with biodiesel, a domestic, sustainable heating oil replacement.

What is Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is a heating oil replacement that is produced from a variety of renewable resources, such as plant oils, animal fats, recycled grease, and even algae, making it one of the most sustainable fuels on the planet. As an industry, biodiesel supports approximately 64,000 jobs and $11.42 billion in economic impact.*

Is SmartBiofuel cleaner than natural gas?

Yes! SmartBiofuel is cleaner than natural gas. In a 20-year atmospheric life cycle analysis conducted by Brookhaven National Laboratories, emissions of greenhouse gases from Biofuel blends as low as 1.8% have been proven to be lower than those from natural gas.

Does SmartBiofuel cost more?

No, in fact SmartBiofuel can save you money because it helps your heating equipment run more efficiently, which extends the life of the equipment and can lead to less maintenance. Learn more here.

What is the future of SmartBiofuel?

The industry is committed to continually improving the product that we deliver; in fact, today’s heating oil burns 95% cleaner than it did 50 years ago and with drastically reduced sulfur content as well as alternative solutions like biodiesel blends, the product will continue to burn cleaner thus cutting greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, if the U.S. followed Connecticut’s lead and switched to a 5% Biofuel blend, the country would burn approximately 187 million gallons less of regular heating oil. If that were a 20% blend, that number would quadruple!