How's your AC running?

Is It Time To Change Your Air Conditioning Equipment?

Replacing your air conditioning unit is no small decision, but our Comfort Specialists and technicians can guide you through the process from start to finish. Here are a few questions to get you started:

Does your air conditioning unit use freon/R-22?

It’s been phased out by the EPA and is much harder and more expensive to acquire.

How old is your unit?

If it’s pushing the ten-year mark, it’s time to start planning for an upgrade before a breakdown or failure during a heatwave.

Has your living situation changed?

From home renovations to additional occupants, your cooling equipment needs to be right sized for your needs to work efficiently.

Don’t wait to schedule an appointment with one of our Comfort Specialists this spring.

Enjoy $500 in savings on the purchase and installation of a new central air conditioning system before May 31st! For more information and to get started, visit or call us at 860.583.4609.