Price Protection Plans Available
Prepare for heating season by enrolling in a one of our Price Protection Programs. Our Float, Fixed & Fixed-With Downside Protection programs ensure the fairest prices coupled with the best service for heating your home!
Price is locked at a set price and does not move up or down with market conditions
Performs well with stable or increasing market conditions
You determine the number of gallons to purchase based on your annual usage
*Offered from May 1st - October 31st on a first-come, first-served basis.
FIXED PRICE PROGRAM With Downside Protection
Price is locked at a ceiling, but allows movement downward if market price declines
Performs well when market conditions move either up or down dramatically
You determine the number of gallons to purchase based on your annual usage
Price protection fee of $0.25 per gallon purchased
*Offered from May 1st - October 31st on a first-come, first-served basis.
Price goes up and down based on market conditions
Performs well in stable or declining market conditions
No specific number of gallons are required to purchase
Speak with one of our Customer Care representatives at 860.583.4609 to select the best plan for you!